6 exercises for the development of creative thinking
No! According to psychologists, this is a skill that everyone can gradually develop. exercises for the development of creative thinking.
Ideas for atypical educational classes and classes in creative circles. Creative thinking - the ability to think outside the box, the ability to come up with original ideas and see alternative solutions to any problem situation. Is it an innate ability? No! According to psychologists, this is a skill that everyone can gradually develop. exercises for the development of creative thinking.
We offer 6 original exercises that will be useful for creative activities with middle and high school students.
Exercise "Three words"
Principle of execution: The facilitator names any three nouns. Moreover, they may be close to the expected event (for example, "night - stars - dreams"), contain a hint of a certain plot (for example, "book - a phone call - a taxi"), or have no visible connection with each other - " clock - forest - fork ". The student's task is to combine them into a single meaningful story or fairy tale, inventing a plot.
This task exercise development imagination, figurative thinking, and coherent speech in both schoolchildren and adults.
Exercise "Words on the contrary"
How it works: Invite students to read short words in reverse, from the last to the first letter, and then play the opposite words aloud. Gradually complicate the task - increasing the number of letters in the word from which you want to form a "werewolf".
This is quite a difficult exercise. Systematic training in this way stimulates our brain to look for alternative ways to solve any problem situation, outside of normal conditions.
Exercise "Painted rope"
To perform this exercise you will need 2 sheets, a few ropes, colored paint (acrylic, gouache, watercolor).
Principle of execution: Take one or more ropes 30-40 cm long, immerse them in colored paint. Place them between two sheets and press them together. Then carefully pull out, holding the sheets.
There will be a mark on the paper from the ropes. Invite students to look closely at the outlines, choose associations, or complete the drawing.
This exercise develops the imagination, stimulates to find common ground between fantastic shapes and real objects.
Exercise "Imaginary subject"
Principle of execution: Invite students to randomly place a few dots on the sheet and then connect them with a line. Ask what associations the formed figure evokes.
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A variant of this exercise is contoured: ask each one with his eyes closed to draw several contours with a marker of the same color, and then with his eyes open to form the most creative drawing from such a blank.
This exercise can be performed both independently and in pairs - one student draws the contours, and the other - create a meaningful associative pattern based on them.
Exercise "Atypical method of use"
It is necessary to pre-prepare 15-20 different items of small size and opaque bag in which they can be placed.
Principle of execution: Invite students to take turns pulling out an object to come up with the most original way to use it.
For example, a pencil, in addition to drawing and sketching, can be used as a hairpin, a shell for arrogance, a tool for quilling, and more.
Performing such an exercise stimulates the development of creative thinking and encourages the perception of things outside the standard vision.
Exercise "Writer"
Principle of execution: Prepare some unexpected funny topics and ask students to write a short essay on the chosen topic. Example:
"Recipe for porridge with an ax";
"Family of the Little Prince";
To complicate the task - agree on the number of words (for example, not more than 100), and the work must contain the beginning, development, and ending.
Performing such an exercise perfectly develops the ability to find non-standard ideas.