Determining the Number of Three-Digit Numbers Divisible by 7

There are 128 three-digit numbers that are divisible by 7. This comprehensive approach ensures you accurately determine the count of such numbers

Determining the Number of Three-Digit Numbers Divisible by 7

To find out how many three-digit numbers are divisible by 7, follow these systematic steps:

Step 1: Identify the Smallest and Largest Three-Digit Numbers Divisible by 7

Finding the Smallest Three-Digit Number Divisible by 7:

  1. Start with the smallest three-digit number, which is 100.
  2. To determine the smallest three-digit number divisible by 7, divide 100 by 7: 100714.2857\frac{100}{7} \approx 14.2857 Round up to the next whole number, which is 15.
  3. Multiply 15 by 7 to find the smallest three-digit number: 15×7=10515 \times 7 = 105 Therefore, 105 is the smallest three-digit number divisible by 7.

Finding the Largest Three-Digit Number Divisible by 7:

  1. Start with the largest three-digit number, which is 999.
  2. To determine the largest three-digit number divisible by 7, divide 999 by 7: 9997142.7143\frac{999}{7} \approx 142.7143 Round down to the nearest whole number, which is 142.
  3. Multiply 142 by 7 to find the largest three-digit number: 142×7=994142 \times 7 = 994 Therefore, 994 is the largest three-digit number divisible by 7.

Step 2: Formulate the Arithmetic Sequence

The sequence of three-digit numbers divisible by 7 is an arithmetic sequence with:

  • The first term a=105a = 105
  • The common difference d=7d = 7

Step 3: Calculate the Number of Terms in the Sequence

To determine the number of terms, we use the formula for the nn-th term of an arithmetic sequence:

an=a+(n1)da_n = a + (n-1)d


  • ana_n is the last term (994 in this case)
  • aa is the first term (105)
  • dd is the common difference (7)

Substitute the values into the formula and solve for nn:

994=105+(n1)×7994 = 105 + (n-1) \times 7

Subtract 105 from both sides:

889=(n1)×7889 = (n-1) \times 7

Divide both sides by 7:

127=n1127 = n-1

Solve for nn:

n=127+1n = 127 + 1 n=128n = 128


There are 128 three-digit numbers that are divisible by 7. This comprehensive approach ensures you accurately determine the count of such numbers, demonstrating the power of arithmetic sequences in solving real-world numerical problems.