Teacher Health - What Makes Teachers Sick
The health of teacher is playing an increasingly important role in schools. Schoolchildren, parents, colleagues and school policy are
The health of teacher is playing an increasingly important role in schools. Schoolchildren, parents, colleagues and school policy are making ever higher demands. If the problems become too numerous, it affects teachers' health. How can primary school teachers deal with the special stresses in the first school phase?
It is early in the morning, the first lesson has been prepared, the primary school class is waiting for classes to start. And then that: an excited mother intercepts the teacher in front of the class door. You have to talk, and do it immediately. Because it doesn't go on like this, your child is completely under challenged in class. Scenes like these rob elementary school teachers not only of the joy of teaching over time, but together with many other, similar moments can make you really sick in the long run. Teachers who are absent due to chronic exhaustion, burnout or depression are not uncommon. The stress can hit teachers of all grades hard. But: "Teachers in primary schools are exposed to special requirements that can be very stressful,"
Important course setting in elementary school
What are the special factors that can stress elementary school teachers so much? On the one hand, educationist says, in primary schools - more than in other types of school - children learn together who grow up in very different family backgrounds. It is not uncommon for there to be serious social, linguistic or educational deficits in the parents' home, so that the pupils cannot keep up with others right from the start of their school career. The important decision to be made during primary school is which secondary school will be open to the children. A decision that puts children, parents and teachers under pressure from an early age.
Cooperation with the parents
Setting the course can put a lot of strain on teachers, In addition, parents play an important role, much more so than in later school years, and teachers have to devote a lot of energy and attention to them. If the parents are not available or, conversely, if they are constantly present in the school with demands and wishes, this can affect teachers psychologically "School policy and administration are bringing ever more demands and tasks to, for example working on quality management," In every class there are also one or two students who are difficult to control. And the students themselves are increasingly demanding new, exciting challenges. The pressure from parents is also increasing, As a result, teachers were absent for a long period of time in each school year. "In the past people used to shamefully talk about a flu-like effect. Today people openly name the psychological stress."
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To better health in small steps
What you do also has to change so that you are professionally fulfilled and don't feel empty and burned out." In many small steps, he then changed the way he teaches: For example, manage to improve corrections so that the pupils can actually do something, and to incorporate relaxation exercises into the lessons.
Consciously hand over responsibility
He has some recommendations, especially for teachers in primary schools: They should be aware of what they are responsible for - and what not. When it comes to the question of which secondary school is best for the children, the teachers are not solely responsible. Even if there is a lack of financial and time resources, for example for special lessons or intensive work with parents, teachers should not see the responsibility as their own. It is much better to make full use of your own possibilities and to work successfully with them than to rub yourself off on the shortcomings of the school system.
Get support from colleagues
With regard to the work with parents, recommendations, on the one hand, to make clear appointments and, on the other hand, to ensure that there are no rifts through the atmosphere of the conversation and the agenda, and to invite all parents to work together without creating pressure. If a conflict does arise, one should remain objective on the explanatory level and avoid justifications. You can get support from colleagues. "The teaching profession is one in which you practically grow old together, Working actively on a good climate in order to shoulder burdens together is a very good thing.